“I hired Maureen to co-facilitate a two-day session. She brings humor, grace, and rigor to every stage of the project, from concept to completion. Maureen is adaptive to the needs of any group or client, while bringing her expertise in designing engaging events. It is incredible to partner with such a skillful, strategic, innovative practitioner.”
“Maureen’s creativity, expertise, attention to detail, and focus on hearing from voices outside of systems of power enabled Go Boston 2030 to break the mold of traditional public engagement. She consistently found exceptional collaborators who made the process more robust and inclusive. Thanks to my work with her on this project, I have a stronger vocabulary for developing community-focused outreach and incorporating an equity lens into my work.
“As a new board chair, I have found Maureen to be an extremely helpful coach, helping me build my confidence and leadership skills while providing useful resources and other tools. Our coaching sessions allow me a safe space to articulate my wants and needs as well as confront my insecurities and frustrations. I’ve found our coaching sessions crucial to my development as a volunteer board chair and in my day job as a communications professional.”
“Maureen has a very skillful & intuitive way of asking questions that cut to the heart of a challenging situation. She responds not to my words, but to what I haven’t said, what lies beneath the surface. She somehow tunes in to those larger looming issues that are often the real block to moving a project forward. Her method of inquiry has allowed me to take a situation that may feel daunting, locate my own sense of power and agency within it and clarify my next steps. No matter what mood I was in when our sessions began, I almost always ended feeling lighter and clearer about the path that lay ahead.”
“Maureen is a skilled listener, distiller of information, and facilitator. She listens for understanding and offers keen recommendations that help us focus on our purpose. NEFA is impressed by her diverse skill set and thankful for her partnership in this work!”
“When Maureen and I worked together, I was in a place where I was avoidant of making decisions because the idea of transition felt unsettling and overwhelming. Maureen was brilliant in helping me to see my own capacity and find my voice. Through the exploration of my own thoughts and values, she helped me to see the first few steps to take. She showed me how to center myself and to trust in my capabilities. She also helped me to prioritize my immediate needs and to make a plan in achieving them, all in a way that felt incredibly obtainable.”
My passion is working with social impact organizations, in Boston and beyond. Here are some of the organizations I have worked with:
Select client list:
Annie E. Casey Foundation
American Reperatory Theater
Barr Foundation
Berkshire Bank
Boston Cyclists Union
Boston Transportation Department
Cambridge College School of Management
CareQuest Institute for Oral Health
Community Catalyst
East Boston Artists Group
Girl Scout Council of the Colonial Coast
Hampton Roads Community Foundation
Housing Corporation of Arlington
LGBT Life Center
LivableStreets Alliance
Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
New England Foundation for the Arts
Revere Beach Partnership
Rockwood Leadership Institute
Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center
The Boston Foundation
Third Sector New England
Tides Foundation
Virginia Stage Company
Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art
Virginia Zoo
Union of Concerned Scientists