Hi, I’m Maureen.


I believe that every community has inherent wisdom. Expert process design, facilitation, and coaching can allow this wisdom to emerge. For over twenty years I have worked with and for nonprofits, campaigns, community groups, and social movements. I know firsthand the challenges faced by people trying to make the world a better place. This on-the-ground experience has fostered my expertise in community engagement, group facilitation, and strategy development. I also have years of experience working with organizations and affinity groups that are struggling to become more equitable and inclusive.

I’m an affiliate at the Interaction Institute for Social Change, where I was trained in the Facilitative Leadership approach to collaborative social justice work. I use this approach to help groups reach clarity and build agreements about how to move their work forward in a strategic way.

In 2015 I was chosen as the lead public engagement process designer for Go Boston 2030, the City’s 15-year transportation planning initiative. My team designed and implemented new and innovative ways to engage the folks who are typically marginalized in urban planning processes. Our groundbreaking work has been credited with changing the way City Hall thinks about engaging the public. 

I’m intensely curious about the world and have lived, worked, and studied in thirteen countries on four continents. I have experience in a diverse array of fields including community development, education, transportation, housing, and planning. In 2018 I was honored to be appointed by Governor Baker to the Massachusetts Bicycle and Pedestrian Advocacy Board, and the following year I was appointed to the Metropolitan Area Planning Council’s Community Engagement Committee.

I hold a B.A. in Urban Studies and Public Policy from Boston University, and a certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace from the University of Southern Florida.

My deepest values are community, equity, and sustainability. If these values resonate with you, let's connect.